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What this website is about

BMW Sections is an ongoing project to keep access to BMW owner manuals and related documents that have been dropped from general circulation or are difficult to locate from original sources. The archive lists some newer documents too, but will always focus on out-of-circulation items of interest to BMW vehicle owners. The website was established in 2008.

Documents are genuine and unaltered

All archived documents are genuine and unaltered versions from BMW themselves (unless otherwise stated). There are no differences from those had directly from BMW. For convenience of download, the manuals are compressed in a standard ZIP file along with a text file about the origin and a copyright notice.

About copyright

Unless otherwise stated, all BMW manuals will be Copyright BMW AG.


Q. You don't have the manual I want, what can I do?

BMW issued only a limited number of downloadable manuals over the years, so not every model will be covered. We have most, if not all, that were once listed with BMW on this website. For newer BMW and slightly older models you can check the BMW Owner's Area. You will need your vehicle VIN code to download documents from there.

Q. Do you store Country or language specific documents?

BMW generally only offer English language manuals and those are based upon north American vehicles. Specifications and details might be similar for World-wide models, but certain safety features specific for individual countries will be different. If you need a specific country version, you should contact your local BMW dealer.

Q. Do you archive BMW motorcycle manuals?

Only motor vehicle related documents are listed. By that definition, this excludes commercial vehicles, motorcycles and motorsport type BMWs. See here for possible access to BMW Motorcycle manuals.

Q. Can you obtain a manual for my XYZ BMW?

All the manuals we have are archived on this website. We cannot source any items by request.

Q. How do I open and view the downloaded manual?

The manuals are archived inside a standard ZIP file. The manual itself is a PDF-format file. For most operating systems, just double click the .zip file and extract the filename.pdf to a location on your computer. To view the manual (filename.pdf), double clicking the file will open it for viewing in your Internet browser. Otherwise, you need a PDF reader application such as Adobe Reader (windows) or Evince (Linux).

Website Editor

Colin. C.

My BMW 3-Series E46 & E90

BMW 3-Series E46 and BMW E90 Salon


Privacy & Terms Of Use

Cookies and Tracking: BMWSections (this website) sets a single none-tracking cookie to help with some functions directly. We also employ Google Analytics to help with user tracking throughout the website.

Google Adsense: Third party advertises, such as Google Adsense, may place and read cookies on your browser, or use web beacons to collect non-identifiable information, while serving ads on bmwsections.com. Please see https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads for privacy related information.

Downloadable Content: Most documents listed on this website are sourced from the official vehicle manufactures and should be regarded as the copyright holders. These documents are not chargeable in the digital medium but can be acquired in paper format at cost from the vehicle manufacturers outlet. All documents are offered as a convenience to our visitors only.

Purpose Summary & Terms of Use: This website presents carefully researched information and services for the usefulness of its visitors. No guarantee of suitability or accuracy can be implied for any given use.

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